Handling criticism is a talent....
...some are born with it...some learn it on their travel....and others get by without the 'handling' 'cause they never seem to be affected by it!!(lucky guys!!)
To which category do i belong??!
....hmmm...dunno...but definitely not the first nor the last....
Sigh...i'm still learning...slowly and painfully.
Does the so-called planetary influence enhance my prospects of being a slow learner??...can't say...but yes....'tis difficult for me to take criticism....maybe cause i'm so critical of myself anyways!!
And constant criticism....BAh!!
It clouds my entire existence...and if it is at the start of a day....there goes the rest of the day!!
Hmmm...tho' i must say talking about it makesme feel better.
Funny how everything is a 'feeling'...
Where do these feelings originate??
Which part of this body machine is responsible for such fickle end products..??
Well....the rest of the day remains....
The first burning pains are now gone...An ache remains....
Maybe that will slowly dissolve....and give birth to another......FEELING.
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