Knight -In -Shining Armour
I dread Monday mornings. My body attuned to the inertia of the weekend refuses to obey the commands of the grey cell center, but,...
“ Matt....!”
My mother's voice shook me out of my reverie. I smiled. Yes, my body is now in 'action' mode! I rushed downstairs backpack and all.
“I thought you'd decided to finally stop your never ending research, Matt ! Why at the age of 30 you are still studying I don't know....you should've got me a sweet daughter-in-law and then I wouldn't have to be on my feet all day. Why, just the other day Saro aunty asked me whether you were thinking of taking up priesthood! Just imagine!...Why do I have to listen to all this...?!”
“I love you too, Ma.” I gave her a quick hug and reached for the door.
My mother is an angel. Even though she often forgets that I'm not her 'lil boy' anymore. I do plan on solving her dotty-in-law prob....but,....I have yet to find her. Sigh.
I reached the bus stop just as the bus pulled in. My heart fell. The bus was packed. That's when i noticed a few of the finer, fragile species making their way towards the bus. My heart soared. A dreary Monday morning bus drive can feel like a walk on the beach if you have the 'right' company. And today it was 'b'right!
I managed to squeeze amidst the assortment of entangled limbs, bags and umbrellas. Phew! If only more people would be kind enough to use deos!! My nasal receptors were still reeling from the cruel onslaught when I noticed Her.
She was trying to find a space in the melee. My heart did a pirouette when she settled into a spot Bang! in front of me. She had long hair, and it was slightly damp. As the bus started, the breeze tickled her mane, the truant tendrils caressing her cheeks. I tightened my hold on the rails for fear my digital extremities would play “breeze”!
I couldn't see her face, at least not all of it. She had classic rosy cheeks, a little chubby though. Her ears (I could see only one, but i gather the other is a twin.)were cute, down to the tiny crystal nestled at the tip.
“Tickets please!...Tickets...!” The conductor's irate voice startled me. Another session of jostling ensued as everyone dug into their respective moneybags. Screeeecchh! The bus driver had hit the brakes, and She was thrown into my arms. She looked at me apologetically and regained her stance. I had stopped breathing for fear I would wake up from this ethereal dream.
It was then that I noticed that her eyes were closed. Hmmm...No. She wasn't sleeping,...But...Why was she doing that??! Every time a guy pushed against her, her eyes would scrunch up...like she was in some kind of pain. But She still didn't open them. She was mumbling. I tried to make out what she was saying but in vain. All of a sudden it came to me. She was praying! She was actually praying. It dawned on me that this angel was afraid, in pain. The reason being the hungry eyes that roved and the bodies that shoved. I was gripped by a feeling...a novel feeling. I wanted to protect her...from ..the world.
I readjusted my 6 foot frame so that she was now in the circle of my arms. Safe. Her prayer must be powerful, 'cause a space emerged around her. No, the crowd was still crowding, but, not a single soul touched her! She continued praying. I couldn't take my eyes off her serene countenance.
She opened her eyes. The bus had stopped. The push-pull scenario was repeated as everyone tried to leave at once , as if the door would soon disappear. She heaved a sigh of relief....and slowly got down. Her hair was almost dry now.
I slowly walked to my lab. I sat down .....and closed my eyes. Yes, I heard the peal of wedding bells. I love Mondays.
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