Monday, November 23, 2015

Sometimes...all it takes to make someone or break someone is one single word!

You may not be aware of it...but there are persons around you who give a lot of importance to what you do and say. With a single word, a could make them...or break them.

I come across many students's amazing how a little belief in them enables them to get out of their shells...
Just knowing that someone believes in them gives them the courage and perseverance to try again....and aim higher.

Everyone has potential....vast amounts of untapped talent and strength. We only need to take a little time....and love to remind them of their power......the heights they can help them remember their dreams.

I believe that GOD WOULD NOT GIVE US A DREAM IF HE WERENT SURE WE COULD MAKE IT REAL. Sometimes we just have to remind those around us....

One word of encouragement from you could change the direction of another person's life forever.

A word, a caress,
A touch, a thought,
Laced in love
can change a life.

Be hope,be strength,
Be rain, be sun,
Wrapped in love
to lift a life.

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