Thursday, December 20, 2007


Involvement without clinging ...Not grabbing at anything.

Clinging come to us has been so ingrained in our psyches...but its possible to re-member that each of us is divine in nature....and clinging isn't part of who we really are...

It can be part of the flow of the moment to be with a man or a woman, but if he or she disappears tomorrow, that's a new moment. No clinging. Your life just lives itself.

Clinging to any experience or possession that is in time causes suffering, for everything changes.

hmmm..i know it's hard..not to cling to that which brings us joy....and feelings of security...but there are lessons that we must learn to grow...

after all..its all a matter of feelings....and as we grow..we must learn to be responsible for our feelings..cause feelings happen only in ourselves...we can mold it..change it..renew it.... :)

so...don't put a full stop to life when someone we care about moves happy ..cause they are going on to new lessons...Be have been chosen to go on to new lessons too..

Cling not to that which changes-Buddha

What i have shared with you lessons shared by a dear friend...and which as i have practised them...i have learnt are true.

until next time then....stopping with love.... :-*
and smiles... :)

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